Meterian and Secure Code Warrior join in collaboration to provide application security training to developers when they need it.
Meterian continuously scans your open source components for vulnerabilities and provides users with the tools to remediate security weaknesses. Developers are served information about the security vulnerability and can access interactive gamified training customised to their programming language or framework.
Hyper relevant bitesize micro-learning increases the user's understanding of the vulnerability and forges a link between the vulnerability, the risk it poses and the appropriate solution needed to resolve it.
Key Benefits
〉SCALE UP SECURITY Increase awareness and knowledge across the organisation's development team 〉EFFICIENT UP-SKILLING Developers up-skill at their discretion and pace
〉FLEXIBLE AND CUSTOMISED LESSSONS Choose lessons in preferred programming languages/frameworks: Java, Javascript, .NET, Scala, Ruby, PHP, Python, NodeJS, Golang, Android/Kotlin and Swift/Objective-C and over 30 more
〉A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW FOR MANAGERS Assign courses, create learning pathways and see a team member or department's skill levels and progress
〉COMPANY WIDE AND WORLDWIDE LEADERBOARDS Offer fun and interactive learning with a healthy competitive spirit
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST to integrate secure coding knowledge into your software development operations for a secure SDLC.
A member of our team will be in touch to help you integrate learning into your developers' CI/CD pipeline.