1.2.0 - This version is safe to use because it has no known security vulnerabilities at this time. Find out if your coding project uses this component and get notified of any reported security vulnerabilities with Meterian-X Open Source Security Platform
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MIT - MIT LicenseCursor based pagination for Elixir Ecto.
There are several ways to implement pagination in a project and they all have pros and cons depending on your situation.
This is the easiest method to use and implement: you just have to set LIMIT
on your queries and the
database will return records based on this two parameters. Unfortunately, it has two major drawbacks:
Inconsistent results: if the dataset changes while you are querying, the results in the page will shift and your user might end seeing records they have already seen and missing new ones.
Inefficiency: OFFSET N
instructs the database to skip the first N results of a query. However, the database must still
fetch these rows from disk and order them before it can returns the ones requested. If the dataset you are querying is
large this will result in significant slowdowns.
This method relies on opaque cursor to figure out where to start selecting records. It is more performant than
because it can filter records without traversing all of them.
It's also consistent, any insertions/deletions before the current page will leave results unaffected.
It has some limitations though: for instance you can't jump directly to a specific page. This may not be an issue for an API or if you use infinite scrolling on your website.
defmodule MyApp.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo,
otp_app: :my_app,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
use Paginator
query = from(p in Post, order_by: [asc: p.inserted_at, asc: p.id])
page = MyApp.Repo.paginate(query, cursor_fields: [:inserted_at, :id], limit: 50)
# `page.entries` contains all the entries for this page.
# `page.metadata` contains the metadata associated with this page (cursors, limit, total count)
Add :paginator
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:paginator, "~> 1.2.0"}
Add Paginator
to your repo:
defmodule MyApp.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo,
otp_app: :my_app,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
use Paginator
Use the paginate
function to paginate your queries:
query = from(p in Post, order_by: [asc: p.inserted_at, asc: p.id])
# return the first 50 posts
%{entries: entries, metadata: metadata}
= Repo.paginate(
cursor_fields: [:inserted_at, :id],
limit: 50
# assign the `after` cursor to a variable
cursor_after = metadata.after
# return the next 50 posts
%{entries: entries, metadata: metadata}
= Repo.paginate(
after: cursor_after,
cursor_fields: [{:inserted_at, :asc}, {:id, :asc}],
limit: 50
# assign the `before` cursor to a variable
cursor_before = metadata.before
# return the previous 50 posts (if no post was created in between it should be
# the same list as in our first call to `paginate`)
%{entries: entries, metadata: metadata}
= Repo.paginate(
before: cursor_before,
cursor_fields: [:inserted_at, :id],
limit: 50
# return total count
# NOTE: this will issue a separate `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table` query to the
# database.
%{entries: entries, metadata: metadata}
= Repo.paginate(
include_total_count: true,
cursor_fields: [:inserted_at, :id],
limit: 50
IO.puts "total count: #{metadata.total_count}"
query =
f in Post,
# Alias for fragment must match witch cursor field name in fetch_cursor_value_fun and cursor_fields
select_merge: %{
fragment("ts_rank(document, plainto_tsquery('simple', ?)) AS rank_value", ^q)
where: fragment("document @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', ?)", ^q),
order_by: [
desc: fragment("rank_value"),
desc: f.id
|> Repo.paginate(
limit: 30,
fetch_cursor_value_fun: fn
# Here we build the rank_value for each returned row
schema, :rank_value ->
{:ok, %{rows: [[rank_value]]}} =
Repo.query("SELECT ts_rank($1, plainto_tsquery('simple', $2))", [
schema, field ->
Paginator.default_fetch_cursor_value(schema, field)
cursor_fields: [
{:rank_value, # Here we build the rank_value that will be used in the where clause
fn ->
fragment("ts_rank(document, plainto_tsquery('simple', ?))", ^q)
will throw an ArgumentError
should it detect an executable term in the cursor parameters passed to it (before
, after
This is done to protect you from potential side-effects of malicious user input, see paginator_test.exs.
If you want to reap all the benefits of this method it is better that you create indexes on the columns you are using as cursor fields.
# If your cursor fields are: [:inserted_at, :id]
# Add the following in a migration
create index("posts", [:inserted_at, :id])
clauses yourself before passing your query to paginate/2
. In the future we might do that
for you automatically based on the fields specified in :cursor_fields
.Documentation is written into the library, you will find it in the source code, accessible from iex
and of course, it
all gets published to hexdocs.
Clone the repo and fetch its dependencies:
$ git clone https://github.com/duffelhq/paginator.git
$ cd paginator
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test
$ mix docs
Copyright (c) 2017 Steve Domin.
This software is licensed under the MIT license.